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training overview


Seminar-Termine PDF   engl. spoken seminars

Welcome :-) Basic-Information for english-spoken partners

edulab is at your service since 2003. Its owner Thorsten Frank counts on his training-experience since 1998. Just get in touch and test edulab.



english spoken trainings, trainer, coaches, organisation, education-administration etc - Dreamweaver Photoshop Office trainings




Individual coaching (inhouse) trainings,
trainer & coaches trainings-organisation
and -administration ...

... for office-, dtp-, multimedia- and business-skills are edulab services helping you to optimize your knowledge and business every day. Adobe Photoshop or InDesign training, Online-marketing-, Word- or Soft-Skill-workshop - only Trainer or All-in-one-service - edulab customize its solutions and takes care about your needs!
Seminars Trainings Photoshop Moderation Rhetorik
Just ask for more Information:


education - communication consulting - Seminars




edulab helps you to build up or to improve your training-ressources in Central Europe (D-A-CH) in the fields of marketing and organisation.

If you're searching clients for your adult education programm in the german spoken market, go ahead and contact us. edulab helps you to organize and administrate your adult education business in the region of central europe. From creating a con-cept up to the successful realisation in premium quality - and we promise: our german is better than our english - you're the english professional :-) Further information:


Communication - starting with development of logos to the complete C.I. and communication planning (german)




Logo-creation, client-communication,
or website?
edulab helps.

edulab is developing or taking
your C.I. for marketing-activities
from "A" to "Z".

Depending on the dimensions needed (Print, Web Audio, Video) also edulab network partners were creeating
the best solutions for you.

Ask for more:




Seminar-Termine PDF   Seminar-Days (ger)

Seminar-Programm-PDF   Seminar-Programm (ger)

edulab about edulab



Welcome (german)

Video Begrüssung edulab Training

Überblick offene Seminare, Inhouse Training & Einzel-Schulung - Inhouse

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SEMINAR-PLACES: Augsburg, Berlin, Dresden, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Köln, Munich, Nürnberg, Stuttgart
Inhouse Seminars in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, South-Tirol